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As a minister of the healing power of Jesus for over 25 years and having visited over 60 nations, I’ve found one question that comes up more often than any other I’m asked: ”How do I actually position myself for my miracle?” This naturally leads to another common question:  “Now that I’ve received my healing miracle, how do I maintain it?” 


We as the body of Christ must return to the simplicity of the Gospel, with Jesus as our role model for healing. We have created so many theologies around our experience – or rather, our lack of it – and have lowered our expectations, reducing the truths of the Word of God to the level of our lack instead of lifting our experience to the Word. In #Positioned we will address the common misconceptions about miracles and gain a clearer understanding of what God’s Word has to say on this vital subject. We will also learn practical ways to  position ourselves to allow the healing grace of Jesus to flow into and through our lives. 


It’s time for an outpouring of miracles, the likes of which has never been seen before – both in us as God’s people and throughout the nations of the world, so that Jesus would be glorified and the power of the Gospel would become known not just as a pulpit ministry but as a grassroots movement through God’s beloved children.

Positioned To Receive And Maintain Your Miracle

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